Tuesday, March 22, 2022


I never thought I'd make it this far in life. I was sure that I'd be killed in a stock car racing accident and I was okay with that. But now, since that didn't happen, I've had to think about more of life than I cared to. They say perspective is clearer the greater the distance you are from where you started. I don't know about clearer but for sure it's more informed ...actually TMI-Too Much Information. I feel like I've been stretched too far. I can't imagine what people thought about life who lived in the centuries of little change. Just think how many only knew horses and ships until the late 19th century. After awhile, life had to seem a little static. Then it all started to change, rapidly so as compared to the previous years years of history. I often wonder what a young, and there were several, Civil War veteran thought about WWI had they lived until then. It had to be quite a stretch. But over the years since then it's been an unbelievable amount of changes and developments for many people.

As a personal example, while still a teen, I was talking to an older city couple who moved into our rural area about how horses were used to do the different kinds of farm work when one of them asked, "So... how old are you anyway?" I think they meant to be funny but such was my experience. My earliest memories of farming began at the end of horse drawn era. Mainly due to my grandfather's refusal to get a tractor. His horses were named Dick and Don. I could ride Dick but not Don. He was a bit ornery. From then until the present, there have been plenty of changes (or advances) in farming and implements. So now, my memories conclude with my neighbors' equipment that has heating, air-conditioning, satellite positioning and several other needed accessories. I just have to sit down in front of my computer to marvel at how far we have come and ponder on how far we will go. But that's just in the physical realm. ...Not so much in the mental, emotional, spiritual and social realms. Compared to previous times, like two world wars before the middle of the last century, the last 150 yrs were quite full and accelerated with an an increased struggle for control and a larger fight for possible world domination, similar to Pinky and the Brain, Communists, Authoritarians or Vladimir Putin and the other Fascists.  

Technology, invention, discovery, and innovation out strips all else. Perhaps a good reason why some put all their eggs in the science basket. But I'm not about to believe that we only live in a material world. However, the immaterial world is so greatly contested that we can so easily create a hellish existence for far too many people. We have a long ways to go to where our immaterial aspect is able to determine the best usage of our material aspect. The Golden Rule or similar understanding can be found in almost all cultures and religions daily life and human interactions barely reflect that. Many times to the extent that the opposite understanding is the norm or even justified even more so or more consequential in the larger world. As an example, we can see that the mixture of politics and religion is lethal. Yet we continue on as if it wasn't.

It's not as if some progress hasn't been made, thankfully it has.   I'm still idealistic enough to hope that a majority truly do want a better world. As J.R.R. Tolkien said, "But still there is much that is fair. And though in all lands, love is now mingled with grief, it still grows, perhaps the greater." But oddly, any progress made toward equality, tolerance, acceptance, compassion and all other virtues needed for a better world or human community can be, and is, reversed with interference and changing circumstances. Perhaps it's a two steps forward, one step back kind of dynamic. It seems as if one day, further advances are going to make little or no difference because we can't get out of the gutter of our insane beliefs, maniacal behaviors, knee-jerk responses, dominating selfish concerns, pervasive addictions and idealistic expectations.

I often wonder what the world would look like had humanity mentally, emotionally, spiritually and socially kept up with the progress made in the physical realm. Some, who live in their delusional little worlds, believe that they and those like them have kept up or are more evolved or are more woke, or more more spiritual or more intelligent. The prevalent sense of superiority belies the harsh realities the human condition which fits a 'better them than me' mentality. I really doubt if there's a special, people, tribe, religion, nation, or hemisphere when it comes to the fact that we all live on the same planet. The difference in which we might think we are different doesn't justify working only to make our own little Patch of Earth a better place to live and accumulate wealth by whatever means.

Tuesday, March 15, 2022


To remake or redo an acclaimed, if not beloved, piece of entertainment is risky at best. The first take has the luxurious possibility of being unfamiliar and making the biggest impression to which all subsequent productions are compared especially when it was highly received and contained so many memorable songs.

Originally, West Side Story (WSS) was going to be East Side Story with a rivalry between Catholics and Jewish groups which might have been quite interesting but not as poignant as mostly Irish and Puerto Rican street gangs fighting over ghetto turf. In the Broadway musical, William Shakespeare's take on great love was played out in an inexplicable tragedy as obsessed lovers are wont to do.

I didn't see the first movie until several years after its release in 1961. My first wife and I made it a date. We had to go to Elmira, NY. After eating at Schanaker's Diner, we only had to go up the street to the Colonial Theater. But before that memorable evening, I did have the sound track of the movie, as well as a recording of the original broadway production. Both of which were well played. Much later I saw a theater production here in Denver. To say the best, it was quite disappointing. So after everything, I really didn't want to like Spielberg's remake of the WSS because I had held the original in such high regard for so long. 

BUT, I did like more of it than I predicted. I appreciated the realism, the cinematography, the music and songs, and the credits. The changes represented more of how far we have come as a society more than a new take on a classic story. The new plot line seems more disjointed but takes the same suspension of reality, mainly due to  so much drama and intimacy compressed into such a short time period that couldn't be covered up by great singing and dancing. Perhaps the grittier and more authentic Spielberg film belies the musical flow that fits so well in the Broadway influenced 1961 production.But if the original movie was first made today, it most likely would have looked more like this remake than not. 

Even though I remain somewhat ambivalent about the changes and adds in the new production, I truly loved Rita Moreno's new role as Valentina especially her reflection scene, which is likely contrary to some critical reviews. Although I'm not convinced as to what the reflection actually means or was meant to express, my subjective response was quite enough. But that's as far as it goes. My review easily falls into the category of "Who Cares?" Which reminds me of the old adage, "Opinions are like assholes, everybody has one."

Thursday, March 10, 2022


I first met my wife at a Jack Van Impe tent meeting in a field near Erwin Junction, NY. Once the accordion music and life story ended, I went to the back of the tent to play in the proverbial sawdust with some other children. 
I can't recall ever using the line, "Haven't we met before?" with her but I knew we probably had. However the main point is that JVI, later known as the "Walking Bible," recorded a sermon titled "The Coming War With Russia." If he was still alive, I suspect he'd be awfully tempted to do the "Told You So, Told You So" dance. To be honest, even after an embarrassing long time of studying Biblical prophecy, I never did get how it's all supposed to come together but lately I've begun to lose some of my skepticism ...for a moment anyway.

Since that fateful day, I have gone to a couple more Jack Van Impe meetings both in auditoriums with bigger crowds. JVI was quite popular until he criticized Rick Warren and Robert Schuyler for something called Chrislam, which is supposedly a mixture of Muslim and Christian religious practice per Wikipedia. I wouldn't know if this is true or not but I don't ever remember either Rick or Robert being in Muslim garb.

I, as perhaps many others, am dishearten by the cruelty of the baseless and needless invasion that is postulated more on personal gain than anything else. How slow to respond to a murderous, insane idiot does the West need to be in order to deal with such an evil threat? Nothing was done in Crimea, nothing done about Syria, nothing done when Russia first amassed forces on the Ukrainian border except increased sanctions. Apparently, that doesn't work as well as is expected in a world that is learning to live without the West and is relying more and more on Russia and China.
Obviously, the situation is complicated by the centralization of wealth in Russia, the inter-investment of businesses that have been growing, the severely limited power of the Russian people, the threat to use nuclear and chemical weapons along with a possible nuclear reactor melt down, the number of western people living Russia, the extent that those who import Russian oil and gas might be effected, generalized economic loss whether small or large except for arms manufacturers, and by a governmental system that puts most of the power in one person's hands.

So apparently, the complications override the death and displacement of innocents, the lack of supporting a democratic country on its way to be an important part of Europe, what a nuclear accident or event would do to the area and beyond, the hard sacrifices that will come, the affect of severe sanctions on the Russian people, and the renewal of the cold war that seems inevitable regardless of how this war is settled.
The West is trying to bleed Russia into some kind of peace. I have my doubts as to what that might look like. It likely will open the door to even more terrorism. Or as JVI and others might say, "The End Is Near."  
Any peace that lasts depends on whether or not Russia can get rid of those who continue to hold onto a communist mentality. A certain trouble is that so many are caught in between dominate forces. It's not as if as individuals we don't take a side but more often we are just trying to get through life with simple joys and undistinguished accomplishments. It will be very telling when the war ends who had the courage to do the right thing and the roles that were played by those who had no courage. In the meantime, some "REAL" wisdom is needed before the young having to do the evil bidding of old men finally ends.

Tuesday, March 8, 2022


We all live on the same planet but in many different nations and even more "little" worlds. So for most, it's hard to make our own little world (or perhaps realm) wonderful when others are so badly failing to do so. But regardless of how great you might think you are or the space you occupy is, reality, sometimes harsh reality, is always a limiting part whether in a positive or negative way. 

Using our ongoing inner process that's dominated by thought and emotion, we act and react to the life experience with responses and choices. Which we usually hope to be the best we can do but too often we come up short. Needless to to say, we should live beyond our basic instincts and inclinations as much as we can but does that mean that ideals or highest values are something which are always needed, stand as our greatest expectations? If so, are they ever really accomplished on any consistent basis? A few lines from Lancelot's song C'est Moi in "Camelot" come to mind.

C'est moi
So admirably fit
A French Prometheus unbound
And here I stand with valour untold
Exceptionally brave amazingly bold
To serve at the Table Round
The soul of a knight should be a thing remarkable
His heart and his mind as pure as morning dew
With a will and a self-restraint
That's the envy of every saint
He could easily work a miracle or two
To love and desire he ought to be unsparkable
The ways of the flesh should offer no allure
But where in the world
Is there in the world
A man so untouched and pure?
(C'est moi)
C'est moi
C'est moi I blush to disclose
I'm far too noble to lie
That man in whom
These qualities bloom
C'est moi c'est moi 'tis I
I've never strayed
From all I believe
I'm blessed with an iron will
Had I been made
The partner of Eve
We'd be in Eden still
C'est moi
C'est moi
The angels have chose
To fight their battles below
And here I stand as pure as a prayer
Incredibly clean with virtue to spare
The godliest man I know
C'est moi

There's the illusion of virtue, rightness, purity and innocence then there's the reality that we have to deal. Being able to take a good look at ourselves does not occur automatically or with any efficiency. I get, as you may as well, some extremely idealist platitudes usually in a short meme like this one.

I have trouble seeing how this kind of idealism works in a real world and may I say, in real people. Perhaps I'm wrong, but so far I find myself still waiting to be proved so. ....Not that I haven't heard quite a few of claims. As for the world, it seems to work on various levels but even the best examples have their faults, some of which are very glaring or no longer can be covered up. Even so, I think most would agree that those at the lowest levels of inhumanity shouldn't have any power to inflict their insane, selfish evil on others.

It's rather interesting that the death and misery caused by a murderous war criminal has bought some previous opponents together and made an even clearer difference between good and evil in our world and in mankind. Now if only we can remember this and not drift back into a one-sided toleration that is embraced regardless of their actions, their beliefs, their mentality, their sense of exceptional superiority and their perceived God-given right to rule the world.

Many remember the line at the end of Camelot where King Arthur says to the boy Tom, "Don't let it be forgot..." When he starts to return to behind the front lines, King Pellinore asks, "Who is that, Arthur?" With, I think, after a brief reflection, he replies. 

“One of what we all are Pelli. Less than a drop in the great blue motion of the sunlit sea. But, it seems that some of the drops sparkle, Pelli. Some of them do sparkle. (To Tom): Run Boy! Run boy! Run! Oh, run, my boy.”

Thursday, November 11, 2021


 "Thank you for your service." For many Vietnam War veterans, this gracious sentiment came a little too late as did "Welcome Home". But eventually, they were seen to be more than drugged-out hippies. Amongst many veterans of other wars the idea that they would never turn their backs on another group of veterans became orthodoxy. And I think it was because of the swell of emotions that came after the 911 attacks that Americans began to take a more serious look at the treatment of veterans of a war that so many thought was an anomaly despite how the Korean War concluded. Thankfully, the incompetence shown in Iraq and Afghanistan made it clear that many died for mismanaged causes just as they did in Vietnam.

Despite how politicized the Vietnam War had become, I didn't have any question as to my duty to serve. So joining the Army during a time of war was hardly questioned. Besides my father, who landed on Omaha Beach at Normandy, there were other relatives and men who were veterans. I was raised in a quiet patriotism. I still didn't think going to Vietnam was a privilege. It was just what you did if you were ordered. Interestingly, the only thing my father ever said to me before going to Vietnam was, "You're not going to like it." 

Well, that was about right. The war was enough but there were things going on like the drugs, the fragging, the friendly fire, those who liked to misuse their rank, the racism, the thievery, and even the murder of a Red Cross worker. They were called "Donut Dollies". I was excluded from the investigation due to the color of my hair. Yet still, I could name quite a few good things about Nam and afterward. But in the end, it was obvious that I didn't like the Army life. However, that didn't stop me from caring. 

Vietnam Veterans had varied experiences when they came home. Generally they were negative and they were that way for many years. So many family and friends had to bury their Vietnam loved ones in silence due to growing opposition. As a parent, I can not imagine what that experience was like. Some returnees had or eventually experienced PTSD. Even after the VA attempted treatment, it still didn't prevent continued suicides and the inability to engage life.

Iraq and Afghanistan veterans began their service in a flurry of support due to 911 but after multiple tours, it was obvious that they were getting screwed despite their hope of changing a backward country, especially for the women and children living under a maniacal religious patriarchy. The way we left the area was proof that those in charge had no idea of what to do even though the same situation had occurred in the Vietnam withdrawal.

For many veterans, the only real heroes are the ones who died. An indelible image for me is the American flag draped coffin being unloaded at an Air Force or Army base because it always reminded me of the containers that held the casualties at the 12th Evac in Cu Chi. They were picked up as needed by an helicopter and taken to where the bodies could be processed for their return to the states.

Like so many holidays, Veterans's Day at times has often been relegated to little more than time off from work. In more recent years, there have been a sincere efforts to acknowledge and focus on the rightful place of veterans as well as those who are currently serving. But let me say this. For me, there is no such thing as "Happy Veterans' Day!" I can not be that happy about making it back knowing how many didn't or eventually died from their wounds at a stateside military hospital or at the VA. I can not be happy about the patriotic Vietnamese who were left to deal with the communists. I can not be happy about the Paris Peace Accords, the evacuation, nor the boat people. 

But most of all, as with many wars, it is the military, political, media and/or religious lies that create the fog of war or as several insightful minds over time have similarly said, "The first casualty of war is truth." But this maybe changing if we can question a war but still have support and be grateful for all who serve and especially those who gave the ultimate sacrifice.

Thursday, May 20, 2021


It started with the crowd size at the inauguration of 45, the guy who is smarter than most (so everyone is saying), all the way to the Big Lie which he just described as "the crime of the century" despite there being at least a couple more years before you could reasonably make that determination. Of course, by the end of the century, they might not have finished the 2020 election recount. In this everything is a conspiracy world, gaslighting has become acceptable, especially by those who have a history of believing in the reality of things aren't as they appear. The trouble is that you can plug in just about anY comfortable notion ...and there are plenty who have. They may be just momentary or cover the expanse of eternity. They may come in completed packages or fundamental foundations whose final appearance depends on evolving developments. 

The important thing about gaslighting is whether you are the GASLIGHTER (not to be confused by the old lamplighter of long, long ago) or the GASLIGHTEE or BOTH. Historically, I think this technique was more an individual exercise rather than a group. But it seems as if the Republican Party's herd mentality has elevated it to a whole new level. This is not my father's Republican Party of Lincoln and Eisenhower whose ideology ran along the lines of freedom, anti-communism, conservative spending (except for the military), pro law enforcement, and the like. Apparently, this has been breaking down over some time but it really broke down under the evil genius they feel can keep them in power. For me it was disparaging POW'S and other military that showed a hatred for those who were true heroes like John McCain and those who landed at Normandy. My other point would be, who to hell is he to judge anyone?
But for the current Republicans to join into the madness and have some of the greatest flip-flops, gaslighting, redistrictings, voter suppressions and demonizations in political history makes me believe that their obsession is equal to Gollum's in Lord of the Rings which is truly precious. When you are at a point where you will do or say most anything, I suspect you've lost the big picture altogether. The utter lies and hypocrisies are justified or become part of the new norm. No apology necessary. When they can push out one of the most conservative people because she stood for the truth about the election, even with the Dark Lord's blood coursing though her veins, shows a real lack of interest in preserving the American political ethos unless it's the underbelly that no one wants to talk about for at least a hundred years.
Americans love conspiracies. On some days you can hear at least 6 or 7 different ones at our local CO-OP. Couple these with how people feel about other people and you can more easily believe that our peaceful transition of power is in jeopardy, along with a few other things. Are we at a point where we don't believe the truth because it doesn't fit our agenda or that it puts our enemies in a better light or it is automatic when it comes to those we hate unless it's something to their detriment)? Without some reason, some thought, some fact finding ...and some polygraphs, we are letting the goal of a more perfect union slip away. If the majority of Republicans can't support a bi-partisan commission to investigate the Jan 6 debacle, it's a good sign that they believe the gaslight is still lit.

Thursday, January 14, 2021


Well, it wasn't exactly time out. It just felt that way. You see, I just got out of rehab. ...No! Not that kind! I was in a medical rehab getting back on my feet after shoulder surgery and other set backs. But perhaps both kinds are similar, especially when it comes to pain. As the common wish for many is to have the suffering magically go away rather than having to deal with stark reality. My total time out so far has been one month and three weeks of trying to maintain a zen-like stance in almost every situation. Sometimes that seemed impossible to do, but it was usually for the better. Admittedly however, I did have a couple moments when I was a bit less than my usual charming self.
Being at home in the city now is almost surreal. In rehab I was on a lockdown unit where I couldn't have visitors and then further I was in isolation part of that time. So just being reunited with my best friend "Mac" is awkward, especially sense I can only type with one hand. Despite everything, we are slowly getting back to where we were before. He saved a lot of interesting items from what I missed during my time out. I suspect some of those will always seem quite beyond the little world I had made for myself. ...In a way, I'm sorta glad about that.  
Even with another surgery yet to go, I don't expect too much more time out. I hope this extended journey ends with a permanent return to the mystical solitude (i.e. isolation) of my little farmhouse on the prairie. At that point, I suspect what I'm grateful for in the whole experience will easily surpass the less than grateful. But given what so many have been going through and the horrendous number who have been ultimately lost, I felt like I was taking up space and resources. 
Life so often is an odd juxtaposition of a flow between "normalcy" and extra-ordinary events whether small or large, lasting a short time or for a long while. Disruption happens, as well as ignored chronic conditions. Predictability and planning are too easily seen as the usual or the expected. So when something interferes, makes us change direction or completely blocks us, we are faced with new challenges and decisions. As someone has so aptly said, "The only thing you can depend on is change. And it's apt to occur when we are quite contented with our lives." It does seem that we either learn to deal with our own reality or risk ending up in a time out of our own making.