A while ago, I queried several people as to what the all too familiar pictures, or designed backgrounds, that usually had worded statements over them are called. They were so prolific in emails, Facebook pages, websites and digital messaging but didn't seem to have a given name. There was a void that needed to be filled.
As a quickie communication tool, I think they are interesting, a few words are meant to say a lot. I know some people who automatically disregard them. But for me, they're usually so short, it only takes a second or two to find something that makes me laugh or go aww... It's almost a game of like or don't like, witty or stupid, touching or offensive, good quote or questionable quote, funny or not so funny, not seen before or have seen before, real or fake, and so on.
As a quickie communication tool, I think they are interesting, a few words are meant to say a lot. I know some people who automatically disregard them. But for me, they're usually so short, it only takes a second or two to find something that makes me laugh or go aww... It's almost a game of like or don't like, witty or stupid, touching or offensive, good quote or questionable quote, funny or not so funny, not seen before or have seen before, real or fake, and so on.
I can usually sort though all the political, scriptural, inspirational, new age, old sayings, quotes, admonitions, promises, out-in-out lies, propaganda, staged photos, religious beliefs and ways to live a better life without being too reactionary, taken in or overly consoled. Some of them are rather irksome, and likely meant to be that way, while others are only true if you can distort reality that far. But for me, despite how much I enjoy the funny, the humorous, the satirical, the put downs, the cartoons, the jokes, and the idiotic, as well as those that are touching and inspirational, I still thought there should be an all inclusive name.
A friend came up with MESSAGE BOX, which I thought was quite good. But something a little more catchy would have a better chance of being a part of the main. It took some time before I came up with GOTCHA GRAPHICS.
To me, there's a gotcha aspect to these graphic depictions whether through a joke, a spiritual moment, a quote or an extreme view. If you read it, you're already got and can be further got by what you read, particularly if it is unexpected. But the big gotcha factor is when you pass it on because you agree with it or are intimidated into being a part of a chain due to retribution or missed reward.
How effective these Gotcha Graphics are, I really don't know. But they're not going away. They fit with the immediate and/or succinct norm of digital communication. I like to use them just to add to or detract from what I'm saying, and also to have something to look at besides words. A well-composed photo without words can sometimes be the most effective. And of course, chances are that you'll stop to look at anything with puppies and kittens. If not, you might want to get something to soften that hardened heart of yours.
I know we live in this creative nation where most have access to the means necessary to make many kinds of Gotcha Graphics. But I wonder if whole departments aren't dedicated to their production. With the midterms coming up, I'm sure there will be even more. It's hard to sort out the conflicting claims. But as my old pastor used to say, "People believe what they want to believe and don't believe what they don't want to believe." I'm pretty sure that's not the best way to approach things, but who do you trust? So-called fact-checkers have been shown to be only agenda driven. I personally don't trust anyone, not even myself. But a couple of independent fact-checkers do seem to be fairly consistent and substantially documented. Time will tell.
Some claims are at best misguiding and at worst a reflection of deep-seated hatred and ignorance, or an unchallengeable absolutism. But they usually look like, act like and quack like ducks so are rather obviously fowl. It's the Gotcha Graphics that make future claims, promises and predictions that are much harder to dispel or believe. It is hard to penetrate circular logic, or what has been taken from a special dispensation. Where are the fact-checkers when you need them? ...But I can see how documentation would be a problem.
There's a lot of ways to be got. The point might be that a response is evoked, a moment of clearer focus one-way or the other. I don't think you need to use mental, spiritual or emotional contraception, but it's probably wise to filter what is being absorbed. Especially, if it just doesn't look or sound right, or if it leaves you far too smug and satisfied. But if you begin to see these representations as Gotcha Graphics, you might just have the kind of protection you need.
To me, there's a gotcha aspect to these graphic depictions whether through a joke, a spiritual moment, a quote or an extreme view. If you read it, you're already got and can be further got by what you read, particularly if it is unexpected. But the big gotcha factor is when you pass it on because you agree with it or are intimidated into being a part of a chain due to retribution or missed reward.
How effective these Gotcha Graphics are, I really don't know. But they're not going away. They fit with the immediate and/or succinct norm of digital communication. I like to use them just to add to or detract from what I'm saying, and also to have something to look at besides words. A well-composed photo without words can sometimes be the most effective. And of course, chances are that you'll stop to look at anything with puppies and kittens. If not, you might want to get something to soften that hardened heart of yours.
I know we live in this creative nation where most have access to the means necessary to make many kinds of Gotcha Graphics. But I wonder if whole departments aren't dedicated to their production. With the midterms coming up, I'm sure there will be even more. It's hard to sort out the conflicting claims. But as my old pastor used to say, "People believe what they want to believe and don't believe what they don't want to believe." I'm pretty sure that's not the best way to approach things, but who do you trust? So-called fact-checkers have been shown to be only agenda driven. I personally don't trust anyone, not even myself. But a couple of independent fact-checkers do seem to be fairly consistent and substantially documented. Time will tell.
Some claims are at best misguiding and at worst a reflection of deep-seated hatred and ignorance, or an unchallengeable absolutism. But they usually look like, act like and quack like ducks so are rather obviously fowl. It's the Gotcha Graphics that make future claims, promises and predictions that are much harder to dispel or believe. It is hard to penetrate circular logic, or what has been taken from a special dispensation. Where are the fact-checkers when you need them? ...But I can see how documentation would be a problem.
There's a lot of ways to be got. The point might be that a response is evoked, a moment of clearer focus one-way or the other. I don't think you need to use mental, spiritual or emotional contraception, but it's probably wise to filter what is being absorbed. Especially, if it just doesn't look or sound right, or if it leaves you far too smug and satisfied. But if you begin to see these representations as Gotcha Graphics, you might just have the kind of protection you need.
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