Pretty much everyone has a
favorite explanation for why Trump won despite all the negatives he created in
the campaign. Each might be part of the whole that put him over the 270 mark
but not carry the popular vote. It's things like this and long naps that keep
me up all night. Would taking away just one factor have been enough to
change the results? Given the Pigpen like dust cloud that surrounds Trump
wherever he goes, there is an escalated blame game and a come hell or high
water entrenchment along with everything else that's not very helpful. What's
right, fair and moral has been lost to the winner and loser conflicts where
politicians say and do almost anything to keep or gain power.
The most
interesting question to me is how we got to the point where two distinct and
uncompromising doctrines have created political stagnation and essentially
eliminated the middle ground. You can start with what has supposedly been
the historical difference between the two parties with one representing
liberals and one representing conservatives. But is it just a matter of where
you stand on the issues? Or is there an underlying reality that creates such a
stringent distance and demonization? Some have suggested that it comes down to
a belief in original sin or a belief in original innocence. Looking at
Washington today, I'd have to go with original sin AND original innocence
...AND original blessing. CMA - Covering My Ass
It was enough to have cable channels compete for the pretense of fair and balanced news. But now with the use of fake news, it's often difficult to know what the truth might be. But typically, if it fits your view, you are more likely to believe it. The problem is when it's proven fake, some continue treat it as evidence. Similarly, one side will say the sky is falling and the other will say it's no big deal ...happens all the time. Amazingly, some these shaky differences have the power to separate people according to current political beliefs and allegiances. The rhetoric is more important than the conversation. No more is it matter of tolerating Uncle Buford's rants at Thanksgiving. Communities are split when before they could always resolve their differences.
The Tea Party was a response to Obama being elected but he completed two terms before Trump was elected. Along with other concerns, I believe a part just wanted a white guy but they got an orange one. Didn't they know that orange was the new black? Sorry, I just thought that was always funny. More likely there was a lot of desperation in this country mainly caused by a do nothing congress. Trump seemed to be the one to shake things up and deal with everything that kept America from being great. There was no more patience to be had for the flaccid status quo. I don't have to list the real and potential problems of the Trump administration. As a famous church lady used to say, "Well, it's different." So far, many still believe there will be a payoff. But even his staunchest supporters might not be so committed once the results of his policies are fully seen.
But now I hear that the Democrats need to have someone like Trump in order to win the presidency again. That would be a fun election. It would totally take up all the news time. Real news might be lost forever. ...But what a show!
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