Thursday, December 13, 2018

POLITICS 2019-20

Politics in 2019-20 has the potential of being interesting but only in one way. As compared to all that was part of the Nixon impeachment, we might see another impeachment played out but this time with constant coverage, commentary and criticism. All the while, candidates will be vying their party's nominee for president along with those campaigning for other seats. This could give new meaning to "we've got a lot of news to cover" or a good reason to marathon even more shows especially all the seasons of "Gunsmoke." But there's that making history thing. Having lived through a lot of amazing history already, like the muscle cars of the 60's & 70's, I can really appreciate what being there means. 

My memory goes back as far as my Grandpa Copley working his farm with horses, Dick and Don. I think starting with those images gave me a perspective of time, change and experience. An older couple once asked me, "How old are you anyway?" However, it wasn't that long before President Kennedy was assassinated. Then we had put a man on the moon amidst the Civil Rights Movement, the Vietnam War and all the problems those damn hippies caused. At the time, I thought I was just living. But with the Nixon impeachment, the fall of Communism (if indeed it really did) and all that has unfolded in the Middle East there has been some significant history in both the political and social realms. Interestingly, these provided fodder for all the changes that the computer could and did make. For me, the play of circumstances, forces, opportunities and coincidence was rather remarkable and likely meant something other than the fact that mankind is good at making, doing and destroying. 
As curious as I am about actions, results and ramifications, I am tempted to go off the grid and hope that somehow more will agree on a peaceful resolution than a hateful conflict. But the head-in-the-sand techniques rarely work. And if the deep divide we are currently experiencing turns into some eclectic form of civil war, one might want to know why and how things had gone that far. But if we hold to at least some semblance of democracy by assuring elections and their outcomes, the state of the union might remain as stable as it can get. This I think makes good sense to many people but over the last couple years I've begun to wonder how many really know what is at stake and how easily it could be lost. It's certainly not most of the politicians. One in particular stands out, head above others, a super human demi-god worthy of blind allegiance. But he is only a new symptom of a chronic disease. 
Without possibly knowing the outcome of the next two years, I predict that the idea of not lying will never become popular, that one issue voters won't find another issue, that the Supreme Court will rule according to some interpretation of the constitution regardless of how unrelated which may or may not align with a political party, that the wall between church and state will be even more damaged, that spending will not be cut, that taxes will be raised,  and that despite the of all that needs pragmatic resolution or reform, congress will be too busy keeping the swamp at the right temperature. But to be fair, it has become impossible to make people happy in the way they want (or demand) to be happy. Compromise is a sin or at least a sign of weakness. It seems that there's plenty of self-interest or self-gain but hardly any self-sacrifice for the greater good.  Yes, the greater good. That does seem to be the sticky wicket.  

I, admittedly, recoil at groupthink. I am even more abhorred by the many following the one who claims to have all the answers. Likewise the Plu and Ply approach (people like us v. people like you) approach is as insulting as it is comical. Some want a nation that looks like them or where them is at least in the majority rule. Some want a "Christian" nation or maybe just a return to a time that never was. Some want a place for everyone even if they didn't deserve or earn it. I want a nation based on intelligence, common sense and practicality. But that's not even a remote possibility. Regardless of what we want, we are all in what is; which moves as soon as you figure out something to do. The word muddle comes to mind but maybe it's more like a muddle with some direction. And all we can do is try to move in the same path and reject any tangents or reversals.
The politics of 2019-2020 maybe crucial in that we become something we never were meant to be or it's a bump in the road that jounces us out of us out of accepting extremism on the same level as reason. And making us readily aware that one kind of absolutism leaves no room for all the other kinds of absolutism. But maybe even more importantly, be the first to reach across the divide knowing that sometimes all you can do is take their hand, smile and pull them into the sacred abyss.

Friday, November 9, 2018


Let's see now, from revoking White House press credentials to inserting an unconfirmed attorney to the top law enforcement office, the president can do anything he wants. V.P. Spiro Agnew wonderfully called the press "the nattering nabobs of negativism", but I don't think any credentials were revoked because he didn't like their criticism or challenging questions. It's too easy and too obvious to blame the press for your administration's "failures." Granted, they have an agenda and report the news with varying degrees of bias. Of course, such is denied or covered over even when most on the street know which is which. i.e. MSNBC is liberal and FOX is conservative with very few in-between who are trying to be totally objective.

My criticism would be of a press that didn't even come close to doing their job. They act like someone who has utterly failed to be a presidential president should be given, still yet, more chances to do something different. I'm pretty sure that's not going to happen because he believes his KAOS (not to be confused with any international crime organization) is working to achieve goals that otherwise wouldn't have been allowed. Forget about the comparisons to Obama or any other president as to what they couldn't have gotten away with. My great aunt would say to nip it in the bud. But that won't happen as long as so many can overlook most anything especially if it puts more money in their wallet or makes what they believe the law of the land.

A line from a Bee Gees song that I never understood is now beginning to make political sense. "I started to cry which started the whole world laughing." (except for the other nations that are being taken over by demagogues) I've never understood aid for foreign leaders to put in swimming pools at their already taxpayer paid for mansions when many Americans had real needs neglected or even dismissed. But there is no doubt the needed stabilizing role of the U.S. in global matters regardless of how miss-guided at times they may be. I'd hate to wake up someday and find that America no longer has a chair at the table of peace. 

Tuesday, November 6, 2018


To tell you the truth, I'm having a feeling of foreboding as to the election results and it's not just from the thought of having to hear that election theme music over and over again. Neither is it because I didn't get any "I Voted" stickers with my mail-in ballot. It's actually from realizing that the voting will show even more of the America that I've seen over the last two years. You know the one  where one half won't vote, and the other half hasn't ever read The Constitution or a holy book that has a secret message or a better idea. The one where the races will be tight no matter how far apart they started, where the media will scramble for eight hours to find many different combinations of thoughts and words that mean the same thing, and of where you begin to prepare for the inevitable conversation as family and friends gather to fight over who gets the wishbone.

Wednesday, May 9, 2018


After thirty years of struggling with chronic pain and illness, it gets a little edgy - at least for me. Gone is the wherewithal to get something done no matter what. But in my extensive seclusions from life I still see some things that made me go HUH....!! Or at least Hmm.....!  Perhaps just being curious enough to see how things turn out or the next thing that will take me my surprise is what keeps me going, if only at a minimal existence. Some these Ah Ha! Moments are listed below along with my usual gripes and other shortsighted observations. 

My biggest gripe is the hypocrisy of Trump supporters who were so adamant about the supposed evils of Obama. Most Republicans overlook their leader's moral, social, political and spiritual ineptitude because they still think they are going to get what they want out of him like money, power and no jail time. Many nations seem to clearly see what is happening here. Yet, too many in our fourth estate carefully make a place for ridiculousness. From the start, the media failed to confront all of the self-aggrandizement, brutish rhetoric and lies that would have likely disqualified anyone else who was running.  Instead, they let Trump run the course and now have little ground to mount any challenge to all of his abuses and defects.  

Sure war at first sounds like a lot of fun if not rather romantic, i.e. Hemingway. And there's a lot to do like pack MRE's, buy condoms and Skype. But after awhile-even war gets a little old. America as an almost continuous war nation might have something to do with the current extreme absolutism on both sides of our political society. I think one could rather easily confirm that we lack the wisdom to deal with major issues in any real or practical way. Yet extreme views seem sensible to so many even if few receive any benefit, resolve or protection. For some, the reality of a less than perfect world is not even a consideration when thinking about right and wrong. The USA has entered the crazy zone of civil war (with or without weapons) that makes for an even more divided and hateful nation.

White Evangelicals/Fundamentalists are now not only in the world but they are also of the world in an ever growing way. I guess you can keep separated for only so long. What was special or different about "born againers" now is only a feature of just another organized religion that wants its place in the mainstream. True, some are returning to the sojourner status that they once enjoyed, but for many the cat is out of the bag as it were. The militants have won. Previous prohibitions have been modified or just forgotten. The great Satan of liberal socialism must be defeated. And they are more concerned about the splinter in your eye than they are about the 4x4 that is in theirs.

Perhaps someday, the treatment of children will be the standard by which all else is judged. ...Perhaps someday. But not when witch doctors are sacrificing children in Africa to effect the drought conditions. I'm thinking it's the witch doctors that should be sacrificed. But how many children are sacrificed to people with guns, lack of proper nutrition and health care, abuse and molestation, and indoctrination into radical fundamentalist beliefs both religious and political ....or cultural and social. Thankfully, there has been movement against the practice of genital mutilation in some countries as are laws being passed against child marriage, and other mistreatments. But there's so much yet to be done for children who know nothing but an uncaring world.

Okay, this complaint isn't necessarily on firm ground. In fact, I somewhat understand the reactions to life changing illness. I remember on OPRAH, back in the day as it were, a Catholic priest who contracted AIDS talked about how much his spiritual understanding had changed even though he was going to die from the disease. If I remember correctly, he said he would want to be infected again if it meant getting the spiritual understanding and peace that he now had. Well, that's all familiar as many have a similar story to tell. God bless them all. ...BUT let's not think that a terminal disease or a personal crisis is necessary for spiritual enlightenment or peace. Just be still and know. Which is likely why if we are going at a hundred miles an hour, it takes something to slow us down to the point of being still. Depend on what is within. Because what is without has happened to so many other people without very little enlightenment.