Let's see now, from revoking White House press credentials to inserting an unconfirmed attorney to the top law enforcement office, the president can do anything he wants. V.P. Spiro Agnew wonderfully called the press "the nattering nabobs of negativism", but I don't think any credentials were revoked because he didn't like their criticism or challenging questions. It's too easy and too obvious to blame the press for your administration's "failures." Granted, they have an agenda and report the news with varying degrees of bias. Of course, such is denied or covered over even when most on the street know which is which. i.e. MSNBC is liberal and FOX is conservative with very few in-between who are trying to be totally objective.
My criticism would be of a press that didn't even come close to doing their job. They act like someone who has utterly failed to be a presidential president should be given, still yet, more chances to do something different. I'm pretty sure that's not going to happen because he believes his KAOS (not to be confused with any international crime organization) is working to achieve goals that otherwise wouldn't have been allowed. Forget about the comparisons to Obama or any other president as to what they couldn't have gotten away with. My great aunt would say to nip it in the bud. But that won't happen as long as so many can overlook most anything especially if it puts more money in their wallet or makes what they believe the law of the land.
A line from a Bee Gees song that I never understood is now beginning to make political sense. "I started to cry which started the whole world laughing." (except for the other nations that are being taken over by demagogues) I've never understood aid for foreign leaders to put in swimming pools at their already taxpayer paid for mansions when many Americans had real needs neglected or even dismissed. But there is no doubt the needed stabilizing role of the U.S. in global matters regardless of how miss-guided at times they may be. I'd hate to wake up someday and find that America no longer has a chair at the table of peace.
My criticism would be of a press that didn't even come close to doing their job. They act like someone who has utterly failed to be a presidential president should be given, still yet, more chances to do something different. I'm pretty sure that's not going to happen because he believes his KAOS (not to be confused with any international crime organization) is working to achieve goals that otherwise wouldn't have been allowed. Forget about the comparisons to Obama or any other president as to what they couldn't have gotten away with. My great aunt would say to nip it in the bud. But that won't happen as long as so many can overlook most anything especially if it puts more money in their wallet or makes what they believe the law of the land.
A line from a Bee Gees song that I never understood is now beginning to make political sense. "I started to cry which started the whole world laughing." (except for the other nations that are being taken over by demagogues) I've never understood aid for foreign leaders to put in swimming pools at their already taxpayer paid for mansions when many Americans had real needs neglected or even dismissed. But there is no doubt the needed stabilizing role of the U.S. in global matters regardless of how miss-guided at times they may be. I'd hate to wake up someday and find that America no longer has a chair at the table of peace.