Sunday, December 15, 2019


I have been speculating on our use of the word "democracy." More particularly that reality the USA is not a true democracy. This is a important reality that is lost on the majority of Americans including myself. It's too easy to believe whatever we happen to think falls under the definition of a democracy. I'm not sure what a real democracy would look like in this modern age, but it wouldn't be what we presently have in our country. American History shows we've been what we are for a long time which is a nation of working laws based on a constitution. A monarchy is not our style though some are trying to make us one. Nor is it an Oligarchy, even though it comes close to that with the recent election laws. As we all remember from school, we are a government of the people, by the people and for the people. And might I add a country of "Equal Justice Under The Law" which is rightly engraved on the Supreme Court Building.

Sadly, we have struggled and once fought over these ideals but we never, as of yet, have given them up. But I really do think that it is a possibility if the division in the country can't return to civility, pragmatism and reasonable compromise. Right now, the two strident sides, represented by political parties, have adopted an all or nothing approach to governing and the only truth is their particular political agenda. We presently live in a country where approximately 50% of the people believe that the other 50% are completely wrong, and vice versa, so there is no alternative than to gain 100% of the power. In order to achieve that, no means is unacceptable but lying has become more of a political stable than it ever has been. Some of which has been taken to the extreme. Fact checking does little to curtail the lying, but even more interesting is how spouting falsehoods over and over becomes the truth for many.

It is rather obvious that neither of the two main parties would willingly share power with a strong third party. Together, they have written laws on every level that try to hinder opposition, particularly in the area of how the elections will be held and how voting districts are determined especially with the advantage of gerrymandering. Once elected, politicians represent their party rather than the people they are supposed to represent which is everyone in their district whether they voted for them or not. And further, party loyalty interferes with going across the aisle (as they say) and getting something done. Some end up being crucified (or primaried) for doing so and I don't mean in the good way.

Strangely, if we just lean slightly one way or the other we're labeled as embracing the whole agenda of a party. Likewise if we offer up a little humor, we obviously support a certain position. I think this is so short-sighted as some just like to stir the pot especially when it's so thick with self-righteousness, racial superiority and blind worship. Which brings me to the role of media. In general, most fall under the liberal umbrella or the conservative umbrella to one degree or the other. Both sides seem to have their rabid dogs as well as their intellectuals; although sometimes, there's more rabid dogs on one side than there needs to be. However, the fault is not in our stars but in ourselves.

We've too often joined a particular team or tribe where we believe everything bad that is said about the opposition and everything that is good about our team and its leader(s). To say the least, a great deal of misrepresentation, propaganda and righteous indignation is involved. But with the modern media, it is even harder to determine what is what. It's a lot easier just to go along with those who agree with you and label anything the other side might do or say as evil. This reminds me of how in war we dehumanize the enemy so it's easier to kill them. We don't want to know they are carrying a picture of their wife and kid just like we do. And that's exactly what we do by thinking that others don't have the same rights as ourselves even to the extent that they should leave the country or have no vote. For some, it sucks to live in a country were every citizen is supposed to have an initial equal valve and the right to their own opinion.

Threats of violence are extreme but they seem to become more and more a part of the common vernacular. Actually becoming violent against fellow citizens for political reasons seems unimaginable, yet it still happens. I'm amazed at those who want to settle political differences with guns or threaten civil war. But maybe people just don't have the time to think through what that really means. We are a country that badly needs change, understanding, and renewed commitment to fair and equally enforced laws. We can not afford to go on "as is" nor are we going to be helped by a return to an idealized bygone day. We are addicted to taking advantage of the system, to seeing only a few and being blind to the many. It's me and mine against you and yours. There are not enough laws to make you do the right thing in every situation. You have to chose to be fair, to be trustworthy, to speak honestly, to stand up for the innocent, to care for the weak and so forth.

Granted, to do the right thing all the time is difficult and fairly impossible given our limitations and circumstances, especially in this day of so much news and social media. It's hard to know for sure who is telling the truth or who truly needs to be helped. The best we can do sometimes is get half-way there. But I don't think that's a reason to do otherwise. Nor can we ever justify dividing the country into the "people like us" and the "people like them" because that better fits our beliefs and finances. Even though we have a long ways to go, we must choose a better way of living together before we can ever come close to being "one nation under God (or not - depending), indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." Kind of schmaltzy but I would prefer it to the present direction of our country which is moving farther and farther away from the viability of a Democratic Republic.


As always, this is my opinion. You have right to disagree and have your own opinion. I would like to believe that the playing field for debate and argument is level, each view gets a fair hearing and that somehow, somewhere there can be at least some agreement on the facts. But too often, that doesn't happen.

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